Social Media Trends for 2023

Picture of Frank Pacheco

Frank Pacheco

Co-founder of Frankly Agency

Social media has been around for a long time now. It’s reached such a point that businesses are starting to look at social media as an opportunity to grow their audience and revenue streams.

In this article, I will go over the top 5 most important social media trends that will help you get ahead in 2023! This comes from years of experience working with brands on their social media strategy and seeing what has worked for them in the past decade.

Youtube Shorts

Youtube Shorts are a new trend in social media, growing in popularity daily. They have all the benefits of traditional videos like Instagram reels and tik tok.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, will be more mainstream in 2023. It will become more accessible to small businesses and affordable for companies of all sizes. AI will also be used for customer service and marketing purposes.

User Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is not going away anytime soon. It’s only getting more and more popular. And why shouldn’t it? UGC allows you to engage with your audience in an authentic way that no other type of content can accomplish.

It can be used as a way to promote your brand, but even if you don’t have a specific goal in mind when creating UGC, there are still plenty of benefits from doing so:

  • It shows off the real people who use your product or service–and helps them feel like part of something bigger than themselves

  • It helps build trust between consumers and brands because they see how much thought goes into what makes up each piece of content before it goes out into the world.

TikTok will continue to grow.

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create short videos and share them with friends. Tiktok’s users are primarily teenagers and young adults who use the app as a way to communicate with each other through funny or entertaining content.

Tiktok’s popularity has been growing steadily in the last few years, especially among teens, who comprise over half of its user base. It’s expected that this trend will continue as Tiktok expands internationally and introduces new features like group chats and live streaming capabilities (something they already have on Facebook).

LinkedIn creators on the rise

LinkedIn is a professional network, so it would be a good place for creators to share their content. LinkedIn has a strong community of influencers who have built up large followings over time and are willing to promote your work in exchange for exposure or compensation. If you’re looking for an audience, consider reaching out directly through email and asking them if they’d be interested in sharing one of your posts with their followers–you might get some surprising results!

Make sure your social media strategy is up to date with these trends.

  • As you’re reading this, there are likely to be new social media trends emerging that could impact your business.

  • Make sure your strategy is up-to-date with these trends so that you can adapt as necessary.

  • If you last updated your strategy a while ago, now is the perfect time to do so!

With these trends in mind, you must stay up to date on what’s happening on social media. You want to be included as these changes occur! Make sure that your strategy is current with what we’ve discussed today by reviewing what each platform offers and deciding which ones might work best for your brand.